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- 開放時間:週一至週五,上午10:00至下午5:00;週六採預約開館,週日閉館。
- 電話:(07)312-1101 分機 2734
- 地址:807 高雄市三民區十全一路100號
- 位置:高雄醫學大學 第二棟紀念大樓 東翼
- 聯絡信箱:history@kmu.edu.tw
Welcome the new students-“Freshman Activities" (5/9/2022~31/10/2022)
To welcome the new students of KMU, we especially plan the "Freshman-only" activities, from setting a dream to getting to know the history of the school and taking you into brand-new university life.
★Create Time Capsule-writing a letter to the future you
1. Please come to our museum/library to get the letter sheet, and write down your plans for university life.
2. Give the letter to the museum clerk/librarian, we will inform you to get it back when you graduate.
★KMU History for Freshman (Simultaneous Playing on the first floor of the Library)
● Pokémon Challenges: KMU Buildings
After watching the video, please go to the library circulation to play the game!
●The medical Humanity in KMU
Take you to know the KMU spirit of medical humanity care!
*Note: Freshmen participating in” Create Time Capsule” or watching the video and winning the game can earn one reward point of 「The Whole Library Is My Amusement Park」.